Chiropractic vs. Imitrex
If you are a migraine sufferer, you have no doubt heard of Imitrex and other headache medications. These medications act on certain receptors in our brain that cause the blood vessels to narrow, reduces pain signals,...
The Simple Word “Cut”
Cut. No, not cutting the next scene -- the word "cut." Have you ever thought about the fact that it's difficult for some people to say the word cut? This was the word that set me on the path of working with children...
Take A Deep Breath
I want you to do me a quick favor. I want you to take a deep breath. Go ahead, I'll wait. There are really two ways you could have done that. You either took a deep breath and lifted your shoulders, not the right way....
Does Your Child Have A Race Car Motor Inside?
Do you ever feel like your child has this inside inner superpower? Almost like a Ferrari engine, but unfortunately, they've only got bicycle brakes. They don't have that same superpower to slow it back down. And it...
Girl Hugs Mom For First Time
In 2011, I was practicing in Maryland. I'd only been in practice for about two years. I soon met this young lady and her mom -- this young lady was in so much pain. Her mom told me that she was never actually able to...
Why Did I Become A Chiropractor?
One of the most common questions I get is why did I become a chiropractor? It wasn't because I wanted to use a stethoscope every day. I hardly even use this thing. It wasn't because I wanted to check people's reflexes...
A Special invite to Our VIP Group
Do you ever feel like there should be a good use of social media? Ever feel like there's just gotta be some community out there of like-minded people that I'm not going to get ridiculed, nobody's going to judge me and...
Your body was designed to heal. It wasn't designed to be dependent on medication for pain relief. Yet when we show up to the doctor's office with a pain complaint, the very first recommendation is pills and more...
What If It Gets Worse?
The question isn't, what if we can't fix it? The real question is, what if it gets worse? The fact is, no one can cure a symptom, not even medications can do that. When many people step out looking to get better,...
What Is An Adjustment?
What is a chiropractic adjustment? It's typically done with the hands or a tiny little instrument to apply a precise but gentle adjustment or realignment to the spine. The brain and nervous system are our master...
How Do You Know If Your Adjustments Work?
How do you know if your adjustments work? We believe in showing, not telling. In our office, we take electronic measurements from the beginning and throughout your care plan to track your progress. We include up to three scans of your nervous system, providing us with...
Improves Energy & Aging
Do you ever find or meet someone that looks way younger than they actually are? Even worse, what about when you meet someone who actually is way younger than they look? Your ability to adapt to stress or the amount of...
How Many Prescriptions Are Enough?
If you're like many people that reach out to us, you know the sound of pills in a pill bottle and you're a little tired of that sound. For too long, you've depended on the things inside this bottle to help you to...
Body Heals Itself Naturally
5 Serious Questions If you know the answer to all five, you might just know the secret to life. Have you ever broken a bone? Have you ever had a cut? Have you ever been bruised? I doubt anyone watching this hasn't,...
Adjustments Improve Thinking
You've heard it: work smarter, not harder, right? The Quad Cities is full of high achievers, but we all get slowed down a little. So how do we think bigger and better more often? Well, I'm Dr. Travis Howell with...
Do you know that awkward moment when someone wants you to guess their age?
Have you ever seen someone who looked way younger than they actually were, or even worse, way older? Your skin, energy, and mood are all affected by stress. The fewer aches and pains, more healthy diet, and balanced play and work time you have, the better you'll age....
How will chiropractic care help me?
Has that question ever crossed your mind? Oftentimes, people think a crack or a pop is the problem, and there is no way I'd ever let that happen. The funny thing is, those little pops and cracks are just air bubbles and they're 100% safe. We see practice members from...
Chiropractic Care Is Expensive?
People expect the work that I do to be expensive, even a luxury. It's less than potential surgeries, which could take months or potentially years to fully recover from. Time off work eats away at your paycheck or vacation days. Not to mention, the cost of...
Chiropractors Only Know About The Spine?
It's not uncommon for someone to wonder how much schooling does a chiropractor has. Is it less the medical school? Is it a weekend certification? While you won't see me in my white coat, wearing a stethoscope around my neck daily to impress upon you my qualifications,...
Improves Nerve System Function
I want you to cover your ears with me -- you can't hear as well, can you? What do you think we should do to help us hear our best? Will medication help us here? No. Should we have surgery to remove the covered ears? No. Why not? Because the cause of the issue is that...
Chiropractors Aren’t For Everyone – Only People In Pain?
It takes a lot to get me fired up, but do you want to know something that I find absolutely bonkers? Waiting until you're in pain is just insane. Did you know that only 10% of the nerves in your body are actually responsible for pain? Still, we hear people all the...
Adjustments Grind & Crack Your Bones?
Hey, don't adjustments snap, crackle, and pop your bones? No. Cracking is not the goal of an adjustment, but it does sometimes make a sound, little air bubbles moving around in the joint that some people might call a...
Improves Athletic Performance For ANY Sport!
Did you know the best athletes in the world have chiropractors? The NFL, the NBA, the Olympic teams all have their very own doctor. We even had a player from the PGA Tour stop by for an adjustment when he was here in...
A Medical Doctor Must Refer You to a Chiropractor
We hear it on every single prescription TV commercial telling us to consult with a medical professional, but is five minutes and a new prescription with a bunch of side effects the best we can do for our health? I don't think so. I'm a chiropractor, and you don't even...
Helps Calm A Hyperactive Mind & Energize A Depressed Mind
Did you know that that imbalance that causes that Ferrari engine can also contribute to the depression side of the nervous system function? Just because your nervous system is out of balance doesn't always mean it's...
How To Choose A Chiropractor
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Not all chiropractic offices are the same. Bigger isn't necessarily better. Every chiropractor adjusts differently and utilizes different techniques. I love my industry, but when...
How Did You Decide To Open A Practice In The Quad Cities?
It might seem a little obvious that a person from the Quad Cities might open his office in the Quad Cities. But I'll be honest, when I was a Palmer student, the last place I wanted to open my office was here in the...
Helps Calm A Hyperactive Mind & Energize A Depressed Mind
Did you know that that imbalance that causes that Ferrari engine can also contribute to the depression side of the nervous system function? Just because your nervous system is out of balance...
Adjustments Grind & Crack Your Bones?
Hey, don't adjustments snap, crackle, and pop your bones? No. Cracking is not the goal of an adjustment, but it does sometimes make a sound, little air bubbles moving around in the joint that some people might call a crack....
Improves Mobility And Function
Did you know That Everything in your Body is Connected just like a Rubber Band? There are only two ways to break a rubber band. You can overextend an old one or extend one that is already overstretched. This also applies to...
“Dr. Howell has helped our 3 month old son be a much happier baby (who is also sleeping more!) I appreciate the time and energy he takes in helping our family understand our bodies better. And his office is VERY kid friendly! My 2 year old approves!”