Our Unique Approach
What is unique about our office is our strong focus on family wellness, pregnancy, and pediatrics. No other chiropractic office in the Quad City Area is set up quite like ours. You will experience that family-feel from the moment you walk into our office and your kids will love coming here.
Experience more than pain relief
When you think about chiropractic care, you might think about sciatica, back pain, headaches or even ear infections. What many people don’t realize is that chiropractic care can also be an effective and safe approach to managing challenges like ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, ASD, PMS and a host of other conditions. Chiropractic is a safe and effective approach to overcome many common health issues and beyond. The greatest impact chiropractic offers, however, is helping you achieve your full potential.
Our docs are extensively trained and experienced in helping children with neuro-developmental challenges.
Optimal Life Expression
The nervous system (nerves and brain) is the master controller of the body. This system controls everything, including your immune, respiratory, digestive, muscular and reproductive systems. With our focus on optimal nerve function, you can experience your greatest well-being.
Getting Started with us
It is never too early to take a full look at your health. From pre-conception to pregnancy, childhood and beyond, an optimally functioning nervous system is key. The first step is to take you through a comprehensive initial visit process to understand your challenges and create a plan to regain your health. Each care plan is unique to your health goals.
Next we will talk about the adjustment! We utilize several techniques to ensure your comfort and results throughout the process.
The most common comment we get: “I only wish I would have known sooner…” Don’t Wait! Call Now.
we have
multiple types of patients
We have a variety of practice members. First, are the patients and families who have received little to no help after going from one health care professional to another. They are often struggling and may feel they have nowhere else to turn. With our extensive training, expertise and care in neuro-developmental disorders like autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, seizures, etc., we are able to see results with even the most challenging cases. We also provide care for children with more common childhood challenges like ear infections, colic, torticollis, reflux and allergies. Our doctors regularly host free workshops at the office and in the community for parents, providers and teachers to learn more about chiropractic and neuro-developmental disorders.
The second are families who are already living the active and healthy lifestyle, but want even more, families who are always on the search for ways to improve their health, happiness and quality of life. These families understand the importance of living at 100% function and won’t settle for anything less.
We also often meet individuals and families that are battling a specific injury or health challenge. They are often looking for short-term relief. Many of these practice members experience the ‘Wonders of Chiropractic’ as they are working towards relieving the pain. They notice that in addition to feeling less or no pain but the rest of the body is experiencing positive changes. For example, improved sinus function, improve digestion, decreased reflux/heartburn, more energy, improved sleep, decreased allergies and improved immune function to name a few…
frequently asked questions
Can kids be seen by the chiropractor?
This is a common question, but one that is easily answered. YES! Pediatric chiropractic visits account for about 20% of all chiropractic visits nationwide.
Our office helps children with ADHD, allergies, anxiety, asthma, autism, bed-wetting, colic, constipation, ear infections, learning and behavioral issues, sensory processing disorder, and much more!
Is it safe for kids?
This is the easiest answer of them all… YES! Chiropractic care for children, and patients of all ages, has repeatedly been shown to be one of the safest forms of health care available. This becomes even more apparent when compared with the “alternative” to chiropractic and wellness care, drugs.
Most times drugs are not tested on children (rightfully so) and therefore pediatric doses are the
doctor’s ‘best guess’ and often times can lead to dangerous and damaging side effects.
That is not the case with chiropractic! We Don’t Guess – We TEST!
Do you only see kids in your practice?
Another great question, and the answer is an easy NO!
While our doctors have extensive training in pediatric and pregnancy chiropractic care, they love to care for the whole family. We often have children referred to our office because of our specialty. After meeting our staff and experiencing the thoroughness of our doctors and the exam process, Mom and Dad often ask if they can be seen too…
YES YOU CAN and we encourage you to do so. Taking a proactive and healthy approach to your life will no doubt improve your child’s lifestyle habits!
featured media
“Dr. T is the absolute best! We started going here with my little baby boy who cried 24/7 for the first 3 weeks of his life! Friends recommended seeing Dr T. I am so happy that we did because my 11 week old baby is the happiest little boy! He is for sure a different baby! We started to see improvements also immediately! So thankful to have found Dr. T and Erin! Everyone is so welcoming and so understanding! They welcomed us with open arms like family!”
Carrie Mappin