Chiropractors Aren’t For Everyone – Only People In Pain?

Dr. Travis Howell

It takes a lot to get me fired up, but do you want to know something that I find absolutely bonkers?

Waiting until you’re in pain is just insane.

Did you know that only 10% of the nerves in your body are actually responsible for pain?

Still, we hear people all the time say, “Wait, isn’t the chiropractor someone I go to when I’m hurt?”

They say, “I feel fine today,” or “My kids don’t need to see the chiropractor. They don’t have any problems.”

Here’s the truth: for your body to feel any type of pain, something has to be wrong for a pretty long time before you actually experience the pain.

Hardly anything happens just all of a sudden.

Since chiropractors are known to be so excellent at getting people out of pain, wouldn’t we be a great way to prevent it, too?

Chiropractic care is about getting your body at its 100% to live a happier, healthier life that everyone deserves.

We see kids, women during pregnancy, athletes, everyone looking to perform their best, and entire families who want to live drug-free and pain-free lives.

I’m Dr. Emylee with Howell Chiropractic, reminding you not to wait until you’re in pain to get your health back on track.